Designed to Shine (Women)

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Matthew 5:13 

Designed to Shine is an interactive seminar that allows women to identify five important elements of their God given design: natural and supernatural gifts, motivations, personality, and life experiences. We believe that when we discover how God designed us we uncover His purpose for our lives. Designed to Shine brings a new sense of significance and meaning to the hearts of women who attend.

Created and led by Dr. Jerra Dooley, this group workshop will make you laugh and maybe even cry joyfully at her humorous, heartwarming stories and transformative teaching. Participants complete a workbook to record their discovery of God, self, and others. Additionally, this workshop increases your ability to relate well with others. Many past attendees have called this workshop “life-changing.” It is the perfect event to invite friends, family members, and even coworkers to attend with you!

Times: When scheduled, this group event occurs from 1-4 on a Sunday afternoon.

Location: Hoover office on Valleydale Road.

Fees: $45 per person (includes workbook).

Join the waitlist. Contact us to be added to the waitlist being formed now. We will get back in touch with you when the next Designed to Shine event is scheduled with signup options. Use the “Contact Us” form to the right of this page, or email [email protected]Be sure to mention the group you are interested in attending.

We hope to meet with you soon!

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