Uniquely You is one of the most popular profile providers and the pioneer for combining spiritual gifts with the DISC four-temperment personality types. You can now assess your individual or your ministry’s strengths and “uniquenesses” by identifying spiritual gifts and DISC personalities that lead to understanding human behavior science from a biblical perspective. Through the Uniquely You profiles, you can help members find their shape and place in the ministries of your church or organization. These personality insights and motivational gifts will improve your ministry’s church health, assimilation, network, involvement, leadership, evangelism, discipleship, conflict resolution, and spiritual growth. Uniquely You has also proven beneficial in helping couples, families, and teams of people discover how to relate together better by understanding what makes others tick and what ticks us off.
The Uniquely You DISC Personality Profiles were developed by Dr. Mels Carbonell in 1987. Trained by Dr. John Geier, founder of the DiSC Performax Personal Profile System (which is now part of DiSC Inscape Publishing), Dr. Carbonell was first introduced to the DiSC Personality Profile while attending Dallas Theological Seminary. Because of his burden to help churches improve their effectiveness, plus increase church growth, and health, Dr. Carbonell created the first of their kind combination Spiritual Gifts and DISC Personality Profiles. Uniquely You purposely does not refer to them as Personality Tests because people pass or fail a test, while these DISC profiles are simple personality assessments. No one fails.
Observed first by Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, he used the old Greek titles: Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy. Dr. Tim LaHaye and Florence Litthouer have popularized these titles, but it was William Marston who in 1928 introduced the four initials: D for Dominance, I for Influence, S for Submissive, and C for Compliant.
Uniquely You is committed to providing the most comprehensive, simple and thorough, yet practical profiles for ministries, businesses, and personal development.