Prepare-Enrich Group

This group is for couples who are seriously considering marriage, engaged, newlywed, newly-remarrieds. Okay, if you have been married for awhile and you would like a refresher course, we would love to have you join us, too. Using the Prepare-Enrich, the #1 premarital and marriage assessment tool, we will share evidence-based skills and insights to foster healthy relationships. The leaders for this group include certified Prepare-Enrich facilitator Dr. Jerra Dooley, and pastoral counselor Brandon Mallette.

Times: When scheduled, this group consists of eight weekly sessions, Tuesdays from 6-7:30 pm.

Location: Fortify’s Hoover office on Valleydale Road.

Fees: $435 per couple ($50 per session plus $35 assessment fee paid to Prepare-Enrich), which includes the Couple’s downloadable workbook.

Join the waitlist. Contact us to be added to the waitlist being formed now. We will get back in touch with you when the next Designed to Shine event is scheduled with signup options. Use the “Contact Us” form to the right of this page and mention the name of the group(s) you are interested in attending.



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