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    AD/HD Testing

    Do you fail to pay attention to details or make careless errors in your work, school, and other activities? Do you have trouble finishing projects when the newness wears off and the exciting parts are complete? Do you struggle with organization, time management, and meeting important deadlines? Do you rush through work, procrastinate, and regularly underachieve? Everyone experiences symptoms of inattention from time to time, but if you answered yes to most of the above questions and the symptoms are persistent, interfere with daily functioning, first appeared before the age of 12 and have been present for at least six months, then you might be suffering from undiagnosed AD/HD.

    Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a very common neurodevelopmental/neurobehavioral disorder that is typically diagnosed during early childhood. AD/HD is most often characterized by inattention and distractibility but often carries with it, high levels of impulsivity and/or hyperactivity. Among other things, AD/HD can negatively affect one’s productivity at home and work, create rifts in intimate relationships and destroy one’s self-esteem. What’s worse, AD/HD can also lead to more severe mental health issues such as major depression and anxiety and is often linked to higher rates of addiction.

    At Fortify Christian Counseling, LLC we understand the impact that undiagnosed AD/HD can have on an individual and those who love them, and we work diligently to provide each client with an accurate diagnosis.  The first 2-hour assessment includes an in-depth focal interview, an oral questionnaire, and an objective computer assessment, all of which are scored in the days following the session and discussed during the outtake session approximately one week later.

    If you believe you might suffer from undiagnosed AD/HD and you would like to pursue AD/HD testing, then please contact us today.