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    Pre-Marital Counseling

    Marriage, as we are told in Genesis 2:24, is when “a man leaves his mother and father and holds fast to his wife, and the two become one flesh.” Simply put, it is two people leaving their families of origin to create a new family. As great an adventure as this is, there are many unforeseen difficulties. It is commonly understood that the three greatest stressors on any given marriage are, in no particular order, family relations, finances, and sexual intimacy. At Fortify Christian Counseling, LLC our goal is to help you anticipate those bumps in the road and give you tools to navigate conversations with your future spouse about these issues. In pre-marital counseling we begin by understanding what the Bible says about a husband, a wife, and marriage; we will look at biblical principles for communication, and we will teach you how to intimately understand and appreciate each other’s God-given personalities. Ultimately, we will help you honor Christ in your marriage. In Ephesians 5, Paul meditates on Genesis 2:24 (quoted above) and says this, “This mystery [a man and a woman becoming one flesh] is profound, and I am saying it refers to Christ and the Church.” At the end of the day, every marriage is a living illustration of the relationship between God and his people. We want to help your marriage be an honoring image of that glorious love.